Friday, February 11, 2011

Career Goals & My Performance Evaluation

It's time for our annual performance evaluations and I finished evaluating myself today. It's interesting doing this in light of my B-school applications. Going through the process of evaluating myself and setting clear cut goals for the next year was much different this time around. The goals I set for next year are much more clear, concrete and specific and I can't help but wonder if that's attributable in any way to the B-school application process.

Firstly, one of my goals for next year is to be promoted from associate -- something that I've been told is improbably if not altogether impossible. In the past, I've been far more calculating and decided to play nice and go about getting a promotion the traditional way. With my sights on B-school, I'm kind of throwing caution to the wind and going for the gusto. I do wonder how my manager is going to react to this goal. She might try to get me to change it before I submit it to HR, but I'm going to hold firm.

I've identified specific areas that I want to develop: my communication and negotiation skills. I'm very good at public speaking but I notice at meetings that when I speak extemperaneously it's difficult for me to articulate my ideas in such a way that gets me buy-in from the others in the meeting. I've also never had to negotiate a deal before and this is a skill I need to hone if I'm going to be an effective leader.

In addition to setting clear quantifiable goals and identifying areas where I need to improve, I also came up with some projects and initiatives that will assist me in getting to that end and will (if all goes according to plan) positively impact my company.

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