Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Quiet Week in the Office

This week most everyone is out at our National Sales Meeting. None of the products I'm working on are front list this time, so I lucked out and don't have to be there. That said, everyone in my office area had to go, and it's very quiet. Plus seeing as how I work in education, most of my clients are out on vacation. The combination makes for a very quiet cubicle.

Last night I sat down and did some OG problems on number properties. I got about 67% right (I understand that it's not about the number you got correct, but the level you're at), but I'm feeling pretty good in the amount correct. At first I was disappointed, and then I remembered when I first started studying for GMAT at the end of June and had a hard time getting through very easy ones due to my being rusty in Math. So I've done some assessment on my performance and have determined the following:

  • I need to go back and restudy exponents, consecutive integers, and the rules of divisibility

  • I probably need to read the small strategy guides twice. When I went back and re-read the bit on consecutive integers today, I realized that my eyes glazed over some pertinent information. The second read after doing some problems was far more in depth. I knew what I got wrong and why it was wrong. Further, I knew where the gaps in knowledge were and what I needed to fill in.'

  • Lastly, doing quant problems after 10PM is not going to work. Even 9:30-10 is pushing it. At that point, I start making silly errors and not reading the question all the way through. I'm thinking I'll do quant problems on Saturdays and Sundays during the day when I'm more alert. Studying Verbal at night is fine. Verbal is not my weak spot and most of what I'm doing now is learning strategies and learning GMAT specific grammar (for instance they are particular about idiomatic expressions like to be and known as. They also don't give two hoots about the passive voice. My 10th grade english teacher would have a fit if she knew this).

In other news, I was able to get a quick work out in today. HIIT for the win!

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