Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Management Leadership Tommorrow

I got in!

Shortly after I had my epiphany, I met a woman at a Harvard Club event for aspiring MBAs. We talked for a bit and she mentioned that she was in the MLT program. I had heard about it on CNN, but hadn't given it much thought. She offered to give me an informational interview, so I took her up on her offer. I liked what I heard, and I applied back in September

Applicants were not meant to be notified until the first weeks of December, but they sent notification the day before Thanksgiving. I was happy to be able to share some good news with my family. So far, I've only told four of them about my MBA plans (my mom, dad, sister, and uncle). The others will find out in due time, but I didn't want to tell everyone until I was sure. I had tentative plans to apply to law school a few years back and once folks caught wind of that, they started nagging me. I decided that law school wasn't for me, and I still have aunts and uncles asking me why I no longer want a JD.

I'm very excited about the program. It's intensive, but I'm looking forward to the network I'll build and the partnerships I'll make.

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